Fucking Brilliant!

Filed under: by: sandman

Yesterday was fucking brilliant! After lunch some of our class spent over three hours drawing and painting drums in the sun. There were even people playing live music right next to us. The rest of our class either left or went on the many bouncy slides and other carnival 'rides' that littered red square. Everyone in sight was having a blast. I got to draw a design on one of the three drums and I really loved it. The Native American salmon design we choose was great to draw and it seemed to fall into place in front of my eyes. I've never drawn any Native American art before but now I think I might look into that. After 5:00 I ate a quick dinner and by 6:00 I left for frisbee. We had the bigest turnout of the entire year; over 35 people showed up. We even had to setup a second field and didn't stop playing until 8:30. There was going to be a bonfire at 9:00 but that got canceled. But still I'll say it again, 'That day was fucking brilliant!'


Filed under: by: sandman

I finally made my first blog post. I wonder how long it will take you to notice. Last weekend the jersey's I designed with Hannah (farthest left in the bottom row) had there first public appearance at T.H.A.T. worn by the Olympia Ultimate Team. I can't wait to get mine today. Here is the original drawing (below).

Auguries of Innocence

Filed under: by: sandman

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.